/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Samrat Dhillon <samrat.dhillon@gmail.com> - [introduce factory] Introduce Factory on an abstract class adds a statement to create an instance of that class - https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=395016 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.JavaProjectHelper; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ISourceRange; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.SourceRange; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.code.IntroduceFactoryRefactoring; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; /** * @author rfuhrer@watson.ibm.com */ public class IntroduceFactoryTests extends RefactoringTest { private static final Class<IntroduceFactoryTests> clazz= IntroduceFactoryTests.class; private static final String REFACTORING_PATH= "IntroduceFactory/"; public IntroduceFactoryTests(String name) { super(name); } @Override protected String getRefactoringPath() { return REFACTORING_PATH; } public static Test suite() { return new Java16Setup(new TestSuite(clazz)); } public static Test setUpTest(Test someTest) { return new Java16Setup(someTest); } /** * Produces a test file name based on the name of this JUnit testcase. * For input files, trims off the trailing part of the test name that * begins with a '_', to get rid of the options part, so that we can * have a single (suite of) input file(s) but several outputs dependent * on the option settings. * @param input true iff the requested file is an input file. * @return the name of the test file, with a trailing "_in.java" if an input * file and a trailing "_XXX.java" if an output file and the test name/options * are "_XXX". */ private String getSimpleTestFileName(boolean input) { String testName = getName(); int usIdx= testName.indexOf('_'); int endIdx= (usIdx >= 0) ? usIdx : testName.length(); String fileName = (input ? (testName.substring(4, endIdx) + "_in") : testName.substring(4)); return fileName + ".java"; } /** * Produces a test file name based on the name of this JUnit testcase, * like getSimpleTestFileName(), but also prepends the appropriate version * of the resource path (depending on the value of <code>positive</code>). * Test files are assumed to be located in the resources directory. * @param positive true iff the requested file is for a positive unit test * @param input true iff the requested file is an input file * @return the test file name */ private String getTestFileName(boolean positive, boolean input) { String path= TEST_PATH_PREFIX + getRefactoringPath(); path += (positive ? "positive/": "negative/"); return path + getSimpleTestFileName(input); } /** * Produces a compilation unit from an input source file whose name * is based on the testcase name. * Test files are assumed to be located in the resources directory. * @param pack * @param positive * @param input * @return the ICompilationUnit created from the specified test file * @throws Exception */ private ICompilationUnit createCUForSimpleTest(IPackageFragment pack, boolean positive, boolean input) throws Exception { String fileName= getTestFileName(positive, input); String cuName= getSimpleTestFileName(input); return createCU(pack, cuName, getFileContents(fileName)); } /** * Produces a test file name based on the name of this JUnit testcase, * like getSimpleTestFileName(), but also prepends the appropriate version * of the resource path (depending on the value of <code>positive</code>). * Test files are assumed to be located in the resources directory. * @param project the project * @param pack the package fragment * @param fileName the file name * @param input true iff the requested file is an input file * @return the test file name */ private String getBugTestFileName(IJavaProject project, IPackageFragment pack, String fileName, boolean input) { String testName= getName(); String testNumber= testName.substring("test".length());//$NON-NLS-1$ String path= TEST_PATH_PREFIX + getRefactoringPath() + "Bugzilla/" + testNumber + "/" + (project == null ? "" : project.getElementName() + "/") + (pack == getPackageP() ? "" : pack.getElementName() + "/"); return path + fileName + (input ? "" : "_out") + ".java";//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } /** * Produces a compilation unit from an input source file whose path * is based on the testcase name, but whose basename is supplied by * the caller. * Test files are assumed to be located in the resources directory. * @param project can be null if only 1 project exists in the test workspace * @param pack * @param baseName * @param input * @return the ICompilationUnit created from the specified test file * @throws Exception */ private ICompilationUnit createCUForBugTestCase(IJavaProject project, IPackageFragment pack, String baseName, boolean input) throws Exception { String fileName= getBugTestFileName(project, pack, baseName, input); String cuName= baseName + (input ? "" : "_out") + ".java"; return createCU(pack, cuName, getFileContents(fileName)); } static final String SELECTION_START_HERALD= "/*[*/"; static final String SELECTION_END_HERALD= "/*]*/"; /** * Finds and returns the selection markers in the given source string, * i.e. the first occurrences of <code>SELECTION_START_HERALD</code> and * <code>SELECTION_END_HERALD</code>. Fails an assertion if either of these * markers is not present in the source string. * @param source * @return an ISourceRange representing the marked selection * @throws Exception */ private ISourceRange findSelectionInSource(String source) throws Exception { int begin= source.indexOf(SELECTION_START_HERALD) + SELECTION_START_HERALD.length(); int end= source.indexOf(SELECTION_END_HERALD); if (begin < SELECTION_START_HERALD.length()) assertTrue("No selection start comment in input source file!", false); if (end < 0) assertTrue("No selection end comment in input source file!", false); return new SourceRange(begin, end-begin); } private void doSingleUnitTest(boolean protectConstructor, ICompilationUnit cu, String outputFileName) throws Exception, JavaModelException, IOException { ISourceRange selection= findSelectionInSource(cu.getSource()); IntroduceFactoryRefactoring ref= new IntroduceFactoryRefactoring(cu, selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength()); ref.setProtectConstructor(protectConstructor); RefactoringStatus activationResult= ref.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()); assertTrue("activation was supposed to be successful", activationResult.isOK()); RefactoringStatus checkInputResult= ref.checkFinalConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()); if (!checkInputResult.isOK()) { performChange(ref, false); String newSource = cu.getSource(); System.err.println("!!!Precondition failed for " + getName() + "!!!"); System.err.println("Compile-time error: " + checkInputResult.toString()); System.err.println("Offending source:"); System.err.print(newSource); assertTrue("precondition was supposed to pass but was " + checkInputResult.toString(), false); } performChange(ref, false); String newSource = cu.getSource(); assertEqualLines(getName() + ": ", getFileContents(outputFileName), newSource); } private void doSingleUnitTestWithWarning(boolean protectConstructor, ICompilationUnit cu, String outputFileName) throws Exception, JavaModelException, IOException { ISourceRange selection= findSelectionInSource(cu.getSource()); IntroduceFactoryRefactoring ref= new IntroduceFactoryRefactoring(cu, selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength()); ref.setProtectConstructor(protectConstructor); RefactoringStatus activationResult= ref.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()); assertTrue("activation was supposed to be successful", activationResult.isOK()); RefactoringStatus checkInputResult= ref.checkFinalConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()); assertEquals(RefactoringStatus.WARNING, checkInputResult.getSeverity()); performChange(ref, false); String newSource= cu.getSource(); assertEqualLines(getName() + ": ", getFileContents(outputFileName), newSource); } /** * Tests the IntroduceFactoryRefactoring refactoring on a single input source file * whose name is the test name (minus the "test" prefix and any trailing * options indicator such as "_FFF"), and compares the transformed code * to a source file whose name is the test name (minus the "test" prefix). * Test files are assumed to be located in the resources directory. * @param protectConstructor true iff IntroduceFactoryRefactoring should make the constructor private * @throws Exception */ void singleUnitHelper(boolean protectConstructor) throws Exception { ICompilationUnit cu= createCUForSimpleTest(getPackageP(), true, true); doSingleUnitTest(protectConstructor, cu, getTestFileName(true, false)); } /** * Tests the IntroduceFactoryRefactoring refactoring on a single input source file * whose name is the test name (minus the "test" prefix and any trailing * options indicator such as "_FFF"), and compares the transformed code * to a source file whose name is the test name (minus the "test" prefix). * Test files are assumed to be located in the resources directory. * @param baseFileName the base file name * @param protectConstructor true iff IntroduceFactoryRefactoring should make the constructor private * @throws Exception */ protected void singleUnitBugHelper(String baseFileName, boolean protectConstructor) throws Exception { ICompilationUnit cu= createCUForBugTestCase(null, getPackageP(), baseFileName, true); doSingleUnitTest(protectConstructor, cu, getBugTestFileName(null, getPackageP(), baseFileName, false)); } protected void singleUnitBugHelperWithWarning(String baseFileName, boolean protectConstructor) throws Exception { ICompilationUnit cu= createCUForBugTestCase(null, getPackageP(), baseFileName, true); doSingleUnitTestWithWarning(protectConstructor, cu, getBugTestFileName(null, getPackageP(), baseFileName, false)); } /** * Like singleUnitHelper(), but allows for the specification of the names of * the generated factory method, class, and interface, as appropriate. * @param factoryMethodName the name to use for the generated factory method * @param factoryClassName the name of the factory class * @throws Exception */ void namesHelper(String factoryMethodName, String factoryClassName) throws Exception { ICompilationUnit cu= createCUForSimpleTest(getPackageP(), true, true); ISourceRange selection= findSelectionInSource(cu.getSource()); IntroduceFactoryRefactoring ref= new IntroduceFactoryRefactoring(cu, selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength()); RefactoringStatus activationResult= ref.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()); assertTrue("activation was supposed to be successful", activationResult.isOK()); if (factoryMethodName != null) ref.setNewMethodName(factoryMethodName); if (factoryClassName != null) ref.setFactoryClass(factoryClassName); RefactoringStatus checkInputResult= ref.checkFinalConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()); assertTrue("precondition was supposed to pass but was " + checkInputResult.toString(), checkInputResult.isOK()); performChange(ref, false); String newSource = cu.getSource(); assertEqualLines(getName() + ": ", getFileContents(getTestFileName(true, false)), newSource); } /** * Creates a compilation unit for a source file with a given base name (plus * "_in" suffix) in the given package. The source file is assumed to be * located in the test resources directory.<br> * Currently only handles positive tests. * @param fileName the base name of the source file (minus the "_in" suffix) * @param pack an IPackageFragment for the containing package * @return the ICompilationUnit for the newly-created unit * @throws Exception */ private ICompilationUnit createCUFromFileName(String fileName, IPackageFragment pack) throws Exception { String fullName = TEST_PATH_PREFIX + getRefactoringPath() + "positive/" + fileName + "_in.java"; return createCU(pack, fileName + "_in.java", getFileContents(fullName)); } private void doMultiUnitTest(ICompilationUnit[] CUs, String testPath, String[] outputFileBaseNames, String factoryClassName) throws Exception, JavaModelException, IOException { ISourceRange selection= findSelectionInSource(CUs[0].getSource()); IntroduceFactoryRefactoring ref= new IntroduceFactoryRefactoring(CUs[0], selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength()); RefactoringStatus activationResult= ref.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()); assertTrue("activation was supposed to be successful", activationResult.isOK()); if (factoryClassName != null) ref.setFactoryClass(factoryClassName); RefactoringStatus checkInputResult= ref.checkFinalConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()); assertTrue("precondition was supposed to pass but was " + checkInputResult.toString(), checkInputResult.isOK()); performChange(ref, false); String testName= getName(); for (int i = 0; i < CUs.length; i++) { int optIdx= testName.indexOf("_"); String testOptions= (optIdx >= 0) ? testName.substring(optIdx) : ""; String outFileName= testPath + outputFileBaseNames[i] + testOptions + "_out.java"; String xformedSrc= CUs[i].getSource(); String expectedSrc= getFileContents(outFileName); assertEqualLines(getName() + ": ", expectedSrc, xformedSrc); } } /** * Tests the IntroduceFactoryRefactoring refactoring on a set of input source files * whose names are supplied in the <code>fileBaseNames</code> argument, * and compares the transformed code to source files whose names are * the input base names plus the options suffix (e.g. "_FFF"). * Test files are assumed to be located in the resources directory. * @param staticFactoryMethod true iff IntroduceFactoryRefactoring should make the factory method static * @param inputFileBaseNames an array of input source file base names * @throws Exception */ void multiUnitHelper(boolean staticFactoryMethod, String[] inputFileBaseNames) throws Exception { IPackageFragment pkg= getPackageP(); ICompilationUnit CUs[]= new ICompilationUnit[inputFileBaseNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < inputFileBaseNames.length; i++) CUs[i] = createCUFromFileName(inputFileBaseNames[i], pkg); String testPath= TEST_PATH_PREFIX + getRefactoringPath() + "positive/"; doMultiUnitTest(CUs, testPath, inputFileBaseNames, null); } /** * Tests the IntroduceFactoryRefactoring refactoring on a set of input source files * whose names are supplied in the <code>fileBaseNames</code> argument, * and compares the transformed code to source files whose names are * the input base names plus the options suffix (e.g. "_FFF"). * Test files are assumed to be located in the resources directory. * @param staticFactoryMethod true iff IntroduceFactoryRefactoring should make the factory method static * @param inputFileBaseNames an array of input source file base names * @param factoryClassName the fully-qualified name of the class to receive the factory method, or null * if the factory method is to be placed on the class defining the given constructor * @throws Exception */ void multiUnitBugHelper(boolean staticFactoryMethod, String[] inputFileBaseNames, String factoryClassName) throws Exception { ICompilationUnit CUs[]= new ICompilationUnit[inputFileBaseNames.length]; for(int i= 0; i < inputFileBaseNames.length; i++) { int pkgEnd= inputFileBaseNames[i].lastIndexOf('/')+1; boolean explicitPkg= (pkgEnd > 0); IPackageFragment pkg= explicitPkg ? getRoot().createPackageFragment(inputFileBaseNames[i].substring(0, pkgEnd-1), true, new NullProgressMonitor()) : getPackageP(); CUs[i]= createCUForBugTestCase(null, pkg, inputFileBaseNames[i].substring(pkgEnd), true); } String testName= getName(); String testNumber= testName.substring("test".length()); String testPath= TEST_PATH_PREFIX + getRefactoringPath() + "Bugzilla/" + testNumber + "/"; doMultiUnitTest(CUs, testPath, inputFileBaseNames, factoryClassName); } void multiProjectBugHelper(String[] inputFileBaseNames, String[] dependencies) throws Exception { Map<String, Set<String>> projName2PkgNames= collectProjectPackages(inputFileBaseNames); Map<String, IJavaProject> projName2Project= new HashMap<>(); Map<IJavaProject, IPackageFragmentRoot> proj2PkgRoot= new HashMap<>(); try { createProjectPackageStructure(projName2PkgNames, projName2Project, proj2PkgRoot); ICompilationUnit[] CUs= createCUs(inputFileBaseNames, projName2Project, proj2PkgRoot); addProjectDependencies(dependencies, projName2Project); String testName= getName(); String testNumber= testName.substring("test".length()); String testPath= TEST_PATH_PREFIX + getRefactoringPath() + "Bugzilla/" + testNumber + "/"; doMultiUnitTest(CUs, testPath, inputFileBaseNames, null); } finally { for (Iterator<IJavaProject> iter= proj2PkgRoot.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IJavaProject project= iter.next(); if (project.exists()) { try { project.getProject().delete(true, null); } catch (CoreException e) { // swallow exception to avoid destroying the original one e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } private ICompilationUnit[] createCUs(String[] inputFileBaseNames, Map<String, IJavaProject> projName2Project, Map<IJavaProject, IPackageFragmentRoot> proj2PkgRoot) throws Exception { ICompilationUnit CUs[]= new ICompilationUnit[inputFileBaseNames.length]; for(int i= 0; i < inputFileBaseNames.length; i++) { String filePath= inputFileBaseNames[i]; int projEnd= filePath.indexOf('/'); int pkgEnd= filePath.lastIndexOf('/'); int fileBegin= pkgEnd+1; String projName= filePath.substring(0, projEnd); String pkgName= filePath.substring(projEnd+1, pkgEnd).replace('/', '.'); IJavaProject project= projName2Project.get(projName); IPackageFragmentRoot root= proj2PkgRoot.get(project); IPackageFragment pkg= root.getPackageFragment(pkgName); CUs[i]= createCUForBugTestCase(project, pkg, filePath.substring(fileBegin), true); } return CUs; } private void addProjectDependencies(String[] dependencies, Map<String, IJavaProject> projName2Project) throws JavaModelException { for(int i= 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { // dependent:provider String dependency= dependencies[i]; int colonIdx= dependency.indexOf(':'); String depName= dependency.substring(0, colonIdx); String provName= dependency.substring(colonIdx+1); IJavaProject depProj= projName2Project.get(depName); IJavaProject provProj= projName2Project.get(provName); JavaProjectHelper.addRequiredProject(depProj, provProj); } } private void createProjectPackageStructure(Map<String, Set<String>> projName2PkgNames, Map<String, IJavaProject> projName2Project, Map<IJavaProject, IPackageFragmentRoot> proj2PkgRoot) throws CoreException, JavaModelException { for(Iterator<String> iter= projName2PkgNames.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String projName= iter.next(); Set<String> projPkgNames= projName2PkgNames.get(projName); IJavaProject project= JavaProjectHelper.createJavaProject(projName, "bin"); IPackageFragmentRoot root= JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(project, CONTAINER); JavaProjectHelper.addRTJar(project); Set<IPackageFragment> pkgs= new HashSet<>(); projName2Project.put(projName, project); proj2PkgRoot.put(project, root); for(Iterator<String> pkgIter= projPkgNames.iterator(); pkgIter.hasNext(); ) { String pkgName= pkgIter.next(); pkgs.add(root.createPackageFragment(pkgName, true, null)); } } } private Map<String, Set<String>> collectProjectPackages(String[] inputFileBaseNames) { Map<String, Set<String>> proj2Pkgs= new HashMap<>(); for(int i= 0; i < inputFileBaseNames.length; i++) { String filePath= inputFileBaseNames[i]; int projEnd= filePath.indexOf('/'); String projName= filePath.substring(0, projEnd); String pkgName= filePath.substring(projEnd+1, filePath.lastIndexOf('/')); Set<String> projPkgs= proj2Pkgs.get(projName); if (projPkgs == null) proj2Pkgs.put(projName, projPkgs= new HashSet<>()); projPkgs.add(pkgName); } return proj2Pkgs; } private void failHelper(int expectedStatus) throws Exception { ICompilationUnit cu= createCUForSimpleTest(getPackageP(), false, true); ISourceRange selection= findSelectionInSource(cu.getSource()); IntroduceFactoryRefactoring ref= new IntroduceFactoryRefactoring(cu, selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength()); RefactoringStatus result= performRefactoring(ref); assertNotNull("precondition was supposed to fail", result); assertEquals("status", expectedStatus, result.getSeverity()); } //--- TESTS public void testStaticContext_FFF() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testInstanceContext_FFF() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } // // ================================================================================ // static final String[] k_Names = { "createThing", "ThingFactory", "IThingFactory" }; public void testNames_FFF() throws Exception { namesHelper(k_Names[0], null); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testMultipleCallers_FFF() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testSelectConstructor() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testDifferentSigs() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } public void testDifferentArgs1() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } public void testDifferentArgs2() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } public void testDifferentArgs3() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testUnmovableArg1() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } public void testUnmovableArg2() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } public void testDontMoveArgs1() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } public void testDontMoveArgs2() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testProtectConstructor1() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testProtectConstructor2() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testStaticInstance() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(false); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testCtorThrows() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testJavadocRef() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testNestedClass() throws Exception { failHelper(RefactoringStatus.FATAL); } // // ================================================================================ // Generics-related tests public void testTypeParam() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testTwoTypeParams() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testBoundedTypeParam() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testTwoBoundedTypeParams() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testWildcardParam() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testTypeParam2() throws Exception { namesHelper(null, "p.Factory"); } // // ================================================================================ // Other J2SE 5.0 tests public void testEnum() throws Exception { failHelper(RefactoringStatus.FATAL); } public void testAnnotation1() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testAnnotation2() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testAnnotation3() throws Exception { singleUnitHelper(true); } public void testVarArgsCtor() throws Exception { // RMF - As of I20050202, search engine doesn't reliably find call sites to varargs methods singleUnitHelper(true); } // // ================================================================================ // public void testMultipleUnits_FFF() throws Exception { multiUnitHelper(false, new String[] { "MultiUnit1A", "MultiUnit1B", "MultiUnit1C" }); } // // ================================================================================ // Bugzilla bug regression tests // ================================================================================ // public void test45942() throws Exception { multiUnitBugHelper(true, new String[] { "TestClass", "UseTestClass" }, null); } public void test46189() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("TestClass", true); } public void test46189B() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("TestClass", true); } public void test46373() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("ImplicitCtor", false); } public void test46374() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("QualifiedName", false); } public void test46608() throws Exception { multiUnitBugHelper(true, new String[] { "p1/TT", "p2/TT" }, null); } public void test59284() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("ArgTypeImport", true); } public void test59280() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("ExplicitSuperCtorCall", true); } public void test48504() throws Exception { multiUnitBugHelper(true, new String[] { "p1/A", "p1/B" }, "p1.B"); } public void test58293() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("ImplicitSuperCtorCall", true); } public void test59283() throws Exception { multiProjectBugHelper(new String[] { "proj1/pA/A", "proj2/pB/B" }, new String[] { "proj2:proj1" }); } public void test84807() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("CtorOfParamType", true); } public void test85465() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("Varargs1", true); } public void test97507() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("CtorTypeArgBounds", true); } public void test250660() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("HasAnonymous", true); } public void test74759() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("Test", true); } public void test298281() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelper("Thing", true); } public void test395016_1() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelperWithWarning("AbstractClass", true); } public void test395016_2() throws Exception { singleUnitBugHelperWithWarning("AbstractMethod", true); } public void testFactoryClash() throws Exception { failHelper(RefactoringStatus.ERROR); } }